A downloadable game for Windows


player movement: WASD/Arrows/Controller

Proceed Dialogue: Spacebar or GUI button


TaroDev Player controller

YarnSpinner Dialogue System

This game was made for the "Game Zanga Special Edition" game jam, made from scratch in under 72 hours

Regarding the theme:
I didn't have the time to make the game clearly relate to the theme, for example, here is an animation that I couldn't implement in the game on time:


This game is based on a true  tragic story, the narrative was edited to fit the scenario, but what happened to the characters is not fictional, resources to dig behind the story:

Washington Post full investigation and report on the story:




Windows.rar 41 MB


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شكرا على تلك المساهمة الطيبة.. دامت حرة  🍉


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من وجهه نظري ان الفنان الحقيقي من يشعر بغيره ويعبر بفنه ...التطرق للقضيه الفلسطينيه امر مهم جدا وانا فخوره بوجود امثالك ..دعواتنا لهم بالحفظ والنصر.جزيت خيرا


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